Forslag vises etter at du har skrevet inn søkeordene. Bruk opp- og nedpilene for å bla gjennom resultatene. Bruk enter til å velge. Hvis valget er en setning, blir denne setningen sendt til søkeruten. Hvis forslaget er en lenke, navigerer nettleseren til den siden.
Fellesskapets retningslinjer

Retningslinjer for innhold og koronaviruset

In an effort to avoid misinformation on health and travel advisories related to COVID-19, we are providing the following guidance under Airbnb’s Content Policy to help protect our community and provide peace of mind.

By posting content on Airbnb, you agree to abide by Airbnb’s Content Policy and this guidance.

Listing pages, message threads, reviews, and other content

Hosts can set their own house rules, including specifying in their listing description if they require guests to be vaccinated or recently tested for COVID-19, unless prohibited under applicable laws or regulations.

Airbnb hosts and guests may not post or share content on or through the Airbnb platform that:

  • Encourages others to ignore applicable health or travel advisories (including discouraging others from getting the COVID-19 vaccine or denying guests because they are vaccinated against COVID-19)
  • Encourages others to have gatherings that violate health restrictions
  • Promises that listings are not impacted by or exposed to COVID-19
  • Includes any health information specific to COVID-19, or links to resources not included in Airbnb’s Coronavirus updates in the Resource Center
  • Offers activities related to the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Incentivizes bookings through COVID-19-related discounts, stocks of limited resources, or the highlighting of quarantine-friendly listing attributes
  • References COVID-19, coronavirus, pandemic, or quarantine in listing titles

Airbnb will investigate reports of violations of this policy. We reserve the right to remove any content, in whole or part, that violates Airbnb’s Content Policy, Terms of Service, Community Standards, or Review Policy, or for any other reason, at our sole discretion.

Additionally, hosts and guests that fail to comply with these guidelines may have their listings or accounts suspended or removed from Airbnb under Airbnb’s Terms of Service.

For more information on appropriate resources for prevention measures, disclosures, and travel or health advisories, please visit our Coronavirus updates in the Resource Center.

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