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Juridiske vilkår

AirCover for gjester og reise-, reservasjons- eller oppholdsforsikring

AirCover for guests is different from travel or reservation, or stay protection insurance. AirCover for guests is included with every booking, while travel insurance for residents in parts of the EU (excluding France) and UK, travel insurance and assistance services for residents in the US, certain Canadian provinces, stay protection (for residents of Australia), or reservation insurance (for residents in France) can be purchased separately during checkout.

What is AirCover for guests?

If there’s a serious issue with your Airbnb that your host can't resolve, we’ll help you find a similar place, depending on availability at comparable pricing. If a similar place isn’t available or you’d prefer not to rebook, we’ll give you a full or partial refund.

AirCover for guests provides support if your host cancels within 30 days of check-in, you’re unable to check-in, or the listing is significantly different than advertised and your host can’t fix it or you feel unsafe in your Airbnb.

Learn more about AirCover for guests.

What is travel, reservation, or stay protection insurance?

Travel is rewarding, but sometimes things don’t go as expected. People can get sick, flights can get canceled, and bags can go missing. To help protect you financially, there’s travel, reservation, or stay protection insurance.

  • Airbnb guests who live in the United States, United Kingdom, certain Canadian provinces, Austria, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain can purchase travel insurance on the checkout page. The travel insurance policies are offered by Generali's Europ Assistance Group, trading under the Generali name in the US and Europ Assistance in the EU, UK and Canada. Learn more about what’s covered.
  • Airbnb guests who live in France can purchase reservation insurance on the checkout page. The policy is underwritten by Europ Assistance, a leading travel insurer. Learn more about what’s covered.
  • Airbnb guests who live in Australia can purchase stay protection insurance on the checkout page. The stay protection policy is underwritten by Chubb. Learn more about what’s covered.

    Don’t live in any of the above countries? Guests everywhere can purchase travel insurance outside of Airbnb, directly through a travel insurance company’s website or by shopping around on a comparison site.

    How AirCover for guests works with travel, reservation, or stay protection insurance

    Here’s an example of how AirCover for guests and travel, reservation, or stay protection insurance can work together.

    You arrive at your destination and learn that the airline has sent your baggage to the wrong city and you won’t get it back for at least 24 hours. You then check-in at the place to stay and find out that the number of bedrooms at the place are less than advertised.

    In this situation, AirCover for guests can help you find a new place to stay, depending on availability at comparable pricing. If you purchased travel, reservation, or stay protection insurance with your Airbnb reservation or booking, you can also file a claim with Generali, Europ Assistance, or Chubb to get reimbursed for certain extra things you have to buy while waiting for your baggage, like clothing and toiletries.

    Note: Travel insurance sold in the US and Canada includes assistance services.

    For US residents

    The travel insurance policy described in this article is offered by Airbnb Insurance Agency LLC, 222 Broadway, Floor 26, New York, N.Y. 10038, (California license number 6001912), which is licensed as an insurance agency in all states of the U.S. and the District of Columbia, and underwritten by Generali US Branch (NAIC #11231) of New York, N.Y. Generali US Branch operates in the following jurisdictions under these names: California: Generali Assicurazioni Generali S.P.A. (U.S. Branch); Colorado: Assicurazioni Generali – (U.S. Branch); Oregon: Generali U.S. Branch DBA The General Insurance Company of Trieste & Venice; Virginia: The General Insurance Company of Trieste and Venice – (U.S. Branch). The insurance policy benefits and services are described on a general basis and are subject to certain conditions and exclusion. 

    For EU residents

    The travel insurance policy described in this article is underwritten by Europ Assistance SA (Irish branch) and offered by the insurance intermediary Aon Iberia Correduria de Seguros y Reaseguros S.A.U. with Airbnb Marketing Services S.L.U. acting as an external collaborator. Europ Assistance SA is supervised by the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution (ACPR) in France, and its Irish branch is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland for conduct of business rules. Full terms and conditions apply. 

    For France residents

    The reservation insurance is offered by Airbnb Ireland Insurance Services Limited and underwritten by Europ Assistance S.A. Irish Branch. Airbnb Ireland Insurance Services Limited is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. Terms and conditions apply. 

    For UK residents 

    The travel insurance policy described in this article is underwritten by Europ Assistance S.A. UK Branch. Europ Assistance S.A. is supervised by the French Supervisory authority (ACPR), 4, place de Budapest, CS92459 - 75436 Paris Cedex 09, France. Europ Assistance S.A. UK Branch is authorized by the Prudential Regulation Authority. Subject to regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and limited regulation by the Prudential Regulation Authority. Details about the extent of our regulation by the Prudential Regulation Authority are available on request. Europ Assistance S.A. UK Branch FCA register number is 203084.

    This travel insurance is arranged by Airbnb UK Services Limited. Airbnb UK Services Limited is an appointed representative of Aon UK Limited, who is authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Aon UK Limited’s FCA register number is 310451, you can check this by visiting the Financial Services Register | FCA or calling 0800 111 6768. Travel Insurance is available to guests aged 18 and over. Full terms and conditions apply. Travel Insurance is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, the remaining products and services are not regulated products arranged by Airbnb UK Services Limited. FP.AFF.344.LC.

    For CA residents

    For guests in Canada (excluding Quebec and Nunavut), travel insurance is offered by Airbnb Canada Insurance Services Inc and underwritten by Europ Assistance S.A., Canada Branch. Airbnb Canada Insurance Services Inc is licensed as an insurance agency and its registered office is at 1600-925 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 3L2, Canada. The travel insurance benefits and services are subject to terms and conditions and certain exclusions apply.

    For Australia residents

    Chubb Insurance Australia Limited ABN 23 001 642 020 AFSL No. 239687 (Chubb) is the issuer of this product and and Airbnb Australia Insurance Services Pty Ltd ABN 66 681 023 389 (Airbnb) distributes this product. Airbnb is an Authorised Representative of Chubb (AR number: 001311886). Chubb and Airbnb do not consider your objectives, financial situation or needs; any advice provided is general only. To decide if the product is right for you or for information on how to contact Chubb and Chubb’s dispute resolution process, please read the Combined Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Financial Services Guide (FSG) and Target Market Determination (TMD). Please also see the Chubb Privacy Policy. Cover is subject to terms, conditions, exclusions and limits apply.

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